SIPF Helpline Number : 1800 180 6268
RGHS Helpline Number : 181

Transfer/Posting Orders

State Service

Promotion of Junior Assistant Order no 437 dated 20-02-2025Download
Promotion of Senior Assistant Order no 438 dated 20-02-2025Download
PROMOTION ORDER OF JAMADAR order no 427 dtd 14-02-2025 Download
PROMOTION ORDER OF FOURTH CLASS order no 426 dtd 14-02-2025 Download
Promotion of Senior Assistant Order 313 dtd 14-11-2024 Download
Promotion of Junior Assistants Order 312 dtd 14-11-2024 Download
Promotion of Supervisors Order 294 dtd 05-11-2024 Download
Promotion of Asst AO Order 289 dtd 29-10-2024 Download
Promotion of Supervisor Order 274 dtd 16-10-2024 Download
Promotion of Asst AO Order 273 dtd 16-10-2024Download
Promotion of Add AO Order no. 272 dtd 16-10-2024Download
Promotion Order no. 194 of Addl. Adm. OfficerDownload
Promotion of Administrative Officers Order no. 186 dtd 31-07-2024Download
Promotion and Posting of Supervisor Order no. 180 dtd 29-07-2024Download
Promotion Order of Shri Ramnaresh MeenaDownload
Posting Order no. 157 dtd 19-07-2024Download
Promotion order of Sh. Rajkumar Jatiya, Senior Private SecretaryDownload
Promotion order of Sh. Sandeep Sharma, Senior AssistantDownload
Promotion order of Establishment OfficerDownload
Promotion Order of Sh. Ramesh Babu Kashyap, SupervisorDownload
Promotion Order UDC Order no. 100Download
Promotion Order AAO Order no. 97Download
Order No 499 Promotion order of Non TSP Sr Astt dtd 06-03-2024Download
Order No 498 Promotion order of Non TSP Supervisor dtd 06-03-2024Download
Order No 497 Promotion order of Non TSP Astt AO dtd 06-03-2024Download
Order No 496 Promotion Order of TSP Supervisor dtd 06-03-2024Download
Order No 495 Promotion Order of TSP Astt AO dtd 06-03-2024Download
Order No 494 Promotion order of TSP S Astt dtd 06-03-2024Download
Promotion and Posting Of APS Order no. 475 dtd 27-02-2024Download
Transfer/Posting order of Assistant Administrative Offices 463 dtd 22-02-2024Download
Transfer/Posting order of Assistant Administrative Offices 462 dtd 22-02-2024Download
Transfer/Posting order of Assistant Administrative Offices 461 dtd 22-02-2024Download
Transfer/Posting order of Senior Assistant 459 dtd 20-02-2024Download
Transfer/Posting order of Additional Administrative Officer 458 dtd 20-02-2024Download
Promotion Order of Assistant Administrative Officer 452 dtd 15-02-2024Download
Promotion order 410 date 29-01-2024Download
Promotion order 409 date 29-01-2024Download
Promotion order 406 date 25-01-2024Download
Promotion Order Sh Lasharam Order no. 399Download
UDC Promotion Order no. 398Download
Promotion Order Shri Mukesh Kumar Jatav Order no. 397Download
Promotion Order Smt Dropti Order no. 396Download
Promotion Order Sh Dinesh Kumar Order no. 395Download
LDC Promotion Order no. 394Download
Promotion Order Sh Naval Kishore Meena Order no. 391Download
Promotion Order Junior Assistant Order no. 356 dtd 27-12-2023Download
Promotion and Posting Order no. 247 dtd 09-10-2023Download
Promotion and Posting Order no. 246 dtd 09-10-2023Download
Promotion and Posting Order no. 245 dtd 09-10-2023Download
Promotion and Posting Order no. 244 dtd 09-10-2023Download
Transfer of Junior Assistants Order 632 dtd 14-01-2023Download
Transfer of Senior Assistants Order 631 dtd 14-01-2023Download
Transfer of Assistant Administrative Officers Order 630 dtd 14-01-2023Download
Transfer of Additional Administrative Officers Order 629 dtd 14-01-2023Download
Promotion order of Asst AODownload
Promotion order of sr asstDownload
Promotion order of TSP Add AODownload
Promotion order of TSP Asst AODownload
Promotion order of TSP Sr asstDownload
Promotion order of Add AODownload
Promotion and posting order non TSP Sr AsstDownload
Promotion order of TSP AAODownload
Transfer Order 447 dtd 12-10-2022Download
Transfer and Posting List of Junior Assitant Order 420-421 dtd 30-09-2022Download
Transfer and Posting List of Junior Assitant Order 409 dtd 27-09-2022Download
Transfer and Posting List of Senior Assistant Order 408 dtd 27-09-2022Download
Promotion of Establishment Officer Order No. 346 dtd 31-08-2022Download
Promotion of Addministrative Officer Order No. 347 dtd 31-08-2022Download
Promotion & Posting Order No. 271 dtd 21-07-2022Download
Promotion & Posting Order No. 263 dtd 19-07-2022Download
Promotion Order of Record Lifter 2020-21 Order 516Download
Promotion Order of Jamadar2021-22 Order 515Download
Promotion order UDC to AAO order 412 dtd 06-10-2021Download
U. D. C. Transfer and Posting Order 390 dtd 30-09-2021Download
Ad. A. O. Transfer and Posting Order 389 dtd 30-09-2021Download
Supervisor Transfer and Posting Order 388 dtd 30-09-2021Download
U. D. C. Transfer and Posting Order 387 dtd 30-09-2021Download
Forth Class Transfer& Posting Order 386 dtd 30-09-2021Download
Asst. A. O. Transfer & Posting Order. 385 dtd 30-09-2021Download
Transfer Order 380 dtd 29-09-2021Download
Transfer Order 376 dtd 27-09-2021Download
Transfer Order 377 dtd 27-09-2021Download
Promotion of Supervisor Non TSP 2021-22 Order 378 dtd 28-09-2021Download
Promotion & Posting Order of Senior Assistant Order 317 dtd 02-09-202Download
Transfer of Senior Assistant Order 294 dtd 14-08-2021Download
Transfer of Senior Assistant Order 293 dtd 14-08-2021Download
Transger of Assistant Administrative Officer Order 292 dtd 14-08-2021Download
Orders For Assistant Administrative Officer Order 291 dtd 14-08-2021Download
Transfer of Supervisor Ofder 290 dtd 14-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assitant Order 289 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion & Transfer of Senior Assistant Order 288 dtd 13-08-2021Download
Promotion of Assistant Administrative Officer Order 282 dtd 10-08-2021Download
Promotion of Assistant Administrative Officer Order 281 dtd 10-08-2021Download
Promotion of Additional Administrative Officer Order 259 dtd 02-08-2021Download
Promotion of Additional Administrative Officer Order 251 dtd 28-07-2021Download
Promotion of Additional Private Secratary Order 224 dtd 23-07-2021Download
Promotion of PA Order 223 dtd 23-07-2021Download
Promotion of PA Order 222 dtd 23-07-2021Download
Promotion of Administrative officer Order 219 dtd 22-07-2021Download
Promotion of Establishment officer Order 218 dtd 22-07-2021Download
Promotion of Forth Class Employee DPC Year 2020-21 Order 602 dtd 04-02-2021Download
Promotion of PA to APS Order 603 dtd 04-02-2021Download
Promotion of PA to APS Order 604 dtd 04-02-2021Download
Promotion APS to PS Order 480 dtd. 10-12-2020Download
Promotion APS to PS Order 479 dtd. 10-12-2020Download
Posting Order of NON TSP area Supervisor Order 298 dtd 18-09-2020Download
Promotion of NON TSP area Sr. Assistant to AAO Order 279 dtd 14-09-2020Download
Promotion of NON TSP area Sr. Assistant to AAO Order 278 dtd 14-09-2020Download
Promotion of NON TSP area Sr. Assistant to AAO Order 277 dtd 14-09-2020Download
Promotion of NON TSP area AAO to Supervisor Order 268 dtd 09-09-2020Download
Promotion of NON TSP area AAO to Supervisor Order 267 dtd 09-09-2020Download
Promotion of TSP area Jr. Assistant to Sr. Assistant Order 266 dtd 09-09-2020Download
Promotion of TSP area Sr. Assistant to AAO Order 265 dtd 09-09-2020Download
Promotion of TSP area AAO to Supervisor Order 264 dtd 09-09-2020Download
Posting on Promotion Order of Senior Assistants Order 245 dtd 02-09-2020Download
Promotion and Posting Order of Additional Administrative Officers Order 233 dtd 26-08-2020Download
Promotion and Posting Order of Additional Administrative Officers Order 232 dtd 26-08-2020Download
Promotion Order of Additional Administrative Officers Order 228 dtd 26-08-2020Download
Promotion of Additional Administrative Officers Order 173 dtd 07-08-2020Download
Promotion Order of Om Prakash Panwar, Pali Order 164 dtd 05-08-2020Download
Promotion Order of Junior Assistants Order 160 dtd 04-08-2020Download
Promotion of Forth Class Employee to Jamadar Order 148 dtd 24-07-2020Download
Promotion of Forth Class Employee to Jr. Asst. Order 147 dtd 24-07-2020Download
Promotion of Forth Class Employee to Jr. Asst. Order 146 dtd 24-07-2020Download
Promotion of Forth Class Employee to Record Lifter Order 145 dtd 24-07-2020Download
Promotion Order of Supervisors Order 411 dtd. 18-11-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Supervisor (TSP) Order 321 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Add. Adm. Officer Order 322 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Supervisor Order 323 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Asst. Adm. Officer Order 324 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Asst. Adm. Officer, Senior Asst, Junior Asst. Order 325 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of Senior Assistant Order 326 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting order of IV Class Employee Order 327 dtd. 27-09-2019Download
Posting Order of Junior Assistant Order 303 dtd 17-09-2019Download
Posting Order of Senior Assistant 302 dtd 17-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting Order of Asst. Adm. Officer Order No. 274 dtd 04-09-2019Download
Transfer/Posting Order of Senior Assistant Order No. 275 dtd 04-09-2019Download
Transfer and Posting order of Supervisor order no. 202 dtd 05-08-2019Download
Transfer/Posting Order of Add. Admn. Officers order no. 190 dtd 29-07-2019Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 568 dtd 09-01-2018Download
Transfer and Posting Order No. 521 dtd 17.12.2018Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 520 Dated 17-12-2018Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 371 dtd 31-08-2018Download
Transfer,Posting and Cancellation Order no 259,260,261 Dated 20-07-2018Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 254 Dated 13-07-2018Download
Posting Order no 688 dtd 17-01-2017Download
Posting Order no 689 dtd 17-01-2017Download
Transfer and Posting of SIPF Officers Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 451 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 452 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 453 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 454 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 455 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 456 Dated 10-10-2016Download
Transfer and Posting Order no 457 Dated 10-10-2016Download


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